What I Believe

I believe we were all created by a perfect, holy, and righteous God. I believe the Holy Bible is the inspired word of God and does not contradict itself although there are some difficult passages to understand. Being created by God, we all have the opportunity to not just learn about our creator but, deeply know Him. Our creator loves us all equally no matter what we have done and wants an intimate relationship with us all.

You may have heard of different forms of love like self-love, platonic love, and romantic love.

God showed us the ultimate display of agape—unconditional—love by giving up His only begotten son to die for us. Jesus Christ, the son of God, lived a perfect life here on earth and brutally died being an atoning sacrifice for the sins of all humanity. Jesus chose to willingly lay His life down as the highest act of love and sacrifice. Extensive research and historical evidence prove the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ was in fact a real event.  And, Jesus is still alive today!

God loves us more than we can imagine. He wants nothing more than for us to spend eternity with Him forever, where we will be separated from the evil, pain, and sorrow that so many of us experience today. Salvation is a completely free gift, and nothing is needed to receive it besides a repentant heart and faith in Jesus. 

It is by God’s example of agape love that I am able to understand pure love and that I am able to love myself and others. I implore you to embrace self-love through the lens of divine love. If you have questions about this love or want to experience it yourself, I encourage you to explore your questions honestly, testing the truths I wrote on this page and asking God to reveal Himself to you.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

…embrace self-love through the lens of divine love.”